Why Career Counselling?

Deepika believes career counselling focuses on helping one understand one’s self, as well as work trends so that one can take an informed decision about career and education. It helps manage a diverse range of problems such as low concentration levels, poor time management and lack of confidence.

Career counselling serves as a bridge for a student’s thinking and his/her bright future. When delivered by an expert, counselling can help working professionals to find out the best next move or shift in their career with a detailed execution plan for the short, medium and long term. It provides better understanding and clarity, saves a lot of time, money, and frustration that arises from indecisiveness. Career counselling helps to:

  • Understand the career options that they have, and how to pursue them.
  • Understand their strengths and weaknesses and suggest to them what career they would be suited for.
  • Provide a platform to voice their opinion about what they would like to pursue, as well as discuss the obstacles that they may be worried about.
  • Give them the required confidence to change their domain, with the support of an experienced mentor.

In today's world where everything is changing rapidly, there are many options to choose from which greatly confuse a student. Therefore, students and parents should go for career counselling. We truly understand this diverseness of a career counselling session and we do our best to help you achieve success.

Why Mental Health Counselling ?

According to the World Health Organization or WHO, mental health is a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. Whether you have stress in your life, problems with a relationship, or anything else that weighs on your mind, you can benefit from mental health counselling. The various benefits of mental health counselling include:

  • Improved communication and interpersonal skills
  • Improved self-acceptance and self-esteem
  • Capability to change self-defeating behaviors and habits
  • Better managing of emotions and expressions
  • Relief from depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions
  • Greater confidence and better decision-making skills
  • Ability to manage stress effectively
  • Improved abilities for problem-solving and conflict resolution

Sometimes just being able to talk about your problem helps you see a solution more clearly. Your counsellor is trained to ask certain questions to help you discover a solution on your own. This way, you will have the tools you need to find solutions on your own outside of counselling. Counsellors provide support, resources, confidentiality, and judgment-free guidance.

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